Your web design should accommadate not only your web presence, but additional sections or modules that you might wish to incorporate into your site. This might include a web store, or an auction, or maybe a search feature for contact information of the members in your organization. No matter what your development needs may be, design and development go hand in hand. is a good example of the union of design and development. Begun in 1997, this site has maintained its original "look", but enhanced its appeal with every feature that has been added and developed. Besides a full service web store with multiple search features, there is an auction module, which is simple, but effective. Rosecote not only is a presence, but an experience!
Web development might also include a section for you to administer your site. You may need the ability to manage your web store (add/delete products, change prices or shipping information), or want to send out newsletters to your email list. These utilities can be designed and programmed with a user friendly interface.
Distinctive Designs and Functionality for the Web
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